Desiging your own (house) style

About This Project
KickStart your business!

Nothing is more challenging as a designer than designing your own identity. Because what you create for yourself is never finished and never quite what you want. Or is it? I developed my logo during my university days as an image for my moving card from London back to the Netherlands. I hadn’t thought about the design for years until I started my own business in 2001. The name was clear, Emdesign – Em(ily) Design… Now the logo… But what to design… Until I came across my moving card design while clearing up. Hmm, simple yet very appropriate… And so, to this day that’s my logo.


Over the years I’ve often thought it was time for something else and yet I stick with what I already have. The dark blue colour remains strong. And when I choose a different colour, it just doesn’t fit with who I am. So, back to blue. Why change it if you don’t have to, right? A few years ago I did bring an additional colour to my branding. It was time for a second colour. One that compliments blue and thus I landed on gold. A beautiful chic colour which in combination with dark blue radiates strength as well as softness. Which perfectly suits my character and style.


Detox your own style

From time to time I take a critical look at my own corporate identity and wonder what needs to change. Each time I come to the same conclusion, let it be! Leave the font as is. Add the colour gold to the palette but other than that nothing needs changing. I did add a handwritten font to the branding to give the headlines a little more dynamic. But other than that I keep getting the same feedback from customers and supporters around me that my style is strong and can stay as it is.. The main aim is that even with these small changes, the style remains recognisable and I don’t deviate from my (original) brand. Even small changes can create a new image without losing its strength.


Energise your own style

For me, advertising and promoting my company are also of great importance. And so a few years ago I introduced the Cuppa theme into my website which I rolled out across flyers, mailing and other materials. A campaign aimed at promoting myself to other companies.


How do I do this?

There are many ways I promote my company. I’ve had ads on the TV screens in local sports clubs. I’ve advertised in local newspapers and have sent out a special mailing to various companies. And with an always-evolving company, this means there are many more ideas floating around which will find their way into the world through marketing tools. For this, I use the Optimise blend.


Chill out!

And when you’re in need of an extra pair of hands to help out during the busier times, I offer the Chillout Blend’.


For ‘Extra hands’ provide relief during busy moments.